
Swiss 1848 provides strategic business advisory services to small and midsize businesses, start-ups and nonprofits. We are located in Pully, Switzerland, but we serve clients throughout the country and abroad.

We engage business owners and senior managers in an intensive, collaborative process to identify and resolve any issues and challenges that may be preventing their company from achieving its fullest potential.

We work with different clients at almost every stage of the business life-cycle. We love to work with innovative businesses that don’t quite fit into any standard classification scheme.

We Focus on Small and Midsize Businesses, Not Giant Corporations

Some of the areas we work in include:

Here are a few examples of the kinds of business questions we can help you answer:

  • How should we respond to new competitors?
  • We recently hired a new manager, but he does not seem to be effective. Should we fire him and hire someone else, or is there some other way to turn this around?
  • How can we reduce errors and speed up processing of our customer orders?
  • Should we open up new offices or focus on growing our business in our current locations?
  • How can we increase our profit margins when our underlying industry is rapidly becoming commoditized?
  • We only have four departments, but they are not working together. What can we do to improve morale and stop the infighting?
  • What other geographic markets should we consider entering?
  • How can we get better productivity from our staff?

If you are looking for a consulting firm with integrity, passion, and a talent for delivering results, then you have come to the right place. Unlike some of our competitors, we don’t make false promises about doubling revenue within a few months, or turning things around in weeks. We practice what we preach — steady, sustainable growth achieved through hard work, great ideas, superior execution, and ethical marketing.

From Day One, Swiss 1848 team seeks to build a productive working relationship with you. It is the foundation for every successful project. We take the time to listen, ask questions, and make sure we fully understand your industry, your business and your objectives. We work in a collaborative fashion, with plenty of opportunities for dialog and feedback.

Throughout our engagement, you’ll benefit from the expertise of a deep bench of experienced business consultants, as well as the managing principals of our firm. We’ll match you with the resources and partners you need to successfully grow your business.