Market Research and Analysis Services

While most market research companies serve large companies, we go the other way — we focus on the needs of small businesses.

We uncover market opportunities, and sometimes, marketing challenges, that others miss. Our market research yields solid, factual, defensible information that is directly relevant to your specific needs, not the needs of the “average” company in your industry. We combine quantitative market research (statistical analysis, graphs, charts) and qualitative market research (interviews, articles, opinions) to give you a balanced and accurate picture.

Here are a few examples of the kinds of market research we do:Market Research Services

  • Survey design and execution (invite respondents, collect
    results, analyze, report)
  • Phone or in-person interviews of customers, employees,
    executives, business owners, industry experts, etc.
  • Focus groups, roundtables, and executive forums
  • Market opportunity assessments (evaluate the potential for your ideas, products, services, or processes)
  • Competitor analysis / competitive intelligence studies
  • Brainstorming sessions on product / application / market possibilities

Why Market Research is Important for Your Small Business

Accurate market research is the foundation for every business or marketing plan.
Swiss 1848 can help you gain a much deeper understanding of:

  • Market opportunities
  • Existing customers
  • Prospects
  • Competitors
  • Employees
  • Industry trends
  • Environmental or regulatory risks

When you understand your markets and competition, your business will benefit from —

  • A more efficient, more effective sales process that reduces your
    cost of customer acquisition.
  • Greater profitability, as well defined customer segments will mean sales are closed based on superior value, avoiding the need to
    compete on price.
  • Faster growth fueled by customers who become loyal evangelists for your enterprise.
  • Sustainable competitive advantage based on superior knowledge of what it takes to succeed in the markets you serve.

Small Business Market Research with Large-Scale Capabilities

Swiss 1848 is able to conduct large-scale surveys and interviews in most geographic areas of Europe. For example, if you need to survey three thousand consumers in Paris, London and Geneva, we can design the surveys, get experienced people in the field, then collect and analyze the results.

Why Hire a Small Business Market Research Company

Large market research firms research specific industries and generate standardized industry reports. The problem for most small business owners is that very few small businesses fit neatly into these industry categories. That’s where we come in. Instead of generating canned industry reports, every analysis we do is customized for each unique client.

We Help You Focus

Effective marketing is all about targeting and focus. Better targeting means less waste, lower expenses, and higher profits. Some more examples of the kinds of market research we do for our clients:

  • Conduct a comprehensive market opportunity assessment – Assess your markets and current market positions  such as market size and share of market, channels, growth trends, threats, and opportunities.
  • Identify customer needs and determine which market segments hold the most, and least, attractive profit potential.
  • Find out what customers and prospects think about your new customer service procedures, your sign-up process, your newest product, your new tag-line, your invoicing process, etc.
  • Identify regulatory, political, and demographic trends that could create problems – and opportunities – for your business.
  • Develop a thorough understanding of competitors – Who leads and who follows in this space? How much market share does each player have? What are their strengths and weaknesses? How do they differentiate themselves? How does their pricing strategy compare with yours? How do they market their products and services? How does their brand equity compare to yours?
  • Identify opportunities to use your strengths and exploit competitor weaknesses.

Contact Us now to set up a free initial consultation